This post is really more of an addition to the previous one. I ran out of time on Sunday, so here is some more freight cars I have been working on.
This Milwaukee Road box car was previously weathered with Floquil and an airbrush many years ago. There is really no way to remove the Floquil paint and leave the original paint so I have tried to improve the weathering with some acrylic paint (which I can remove if necessary).
I added some dirt and rust streaking to the side. In hind site I might have had some success toning down the Floquil by adding acrylic washes with a color very close to the factory paint. Maybe next time.
The original roof was light gray. I used paint and some powders to age the roof.
The Milwaukee Road Airslide is a stock Walthers kit. I only added weathering.
This Continental covered hopper is the first of a Proto 4 pack of kits.
I added some cargo spillage to the roof of this car using the same technique as with the N&W covered hopper in the previous post.
The last in this set is PC-890093. I went light on the dirt because it's not supposed to be all that old. I did add a replacement cargo hatch though. I haven't figured out why the background of this image is pink. It was photographed when all the others on this page were.
This Walthers car has wire stirrups added. I also used some powder on the side.
Great stuff Mark !