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Saturday, April 14, 2012

Lots of little things

I haven't posted in a while and Randy called me asking what I was doing, so here is a little of what I've been working on.

Above is the hull of a Walthers Tugboat. Per an article in the publication "Transfer" by George Barrett, I have elected to increase the freeboard  the front of the hull. I did this by gluing a block of balsa wood to the bottom and shaving off what I didn't want. Then I coated it with automotive bondo, sanded it and here is the result. Next for this model are new rubbing strakes and the large plate used to mount the bow fender. This will be a model of the Lehigh Valley tug Bethlehem and she had what looks to be a series of rubber tubes for the bow fender. After that is the 'H' bits and deckhouse.
More photos to follow.

 Next is some of the piping that I'm working on for the fuel oil unloading track at the Powerhouse. There will be three valve assemblies for the three tank car spots. The Tichy walkway will have a railing opposite the pipes. All this has to fit between the Powerhouse siding and the main factory lead which is also 1/2" lower.

Lastly is a Lone Star Models truck trailer kit with its first coating of weathering. I'll take another photo with each additional coat to show the progression.

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